Danger on the usage of social nertworking
Susan Greenfield a british investigator, states that an excessive use of social networking, like Twiter, Bebo and Facebook can be dangerous to the brain. It can "accomodate" the brain functions to live just the moment and lack also the capacity of paying attention and concentration. Technology and environment are influencing the way brain works and performs. According to the Guardian, "social network sites risk infantilising the mid-21st century mind, leaving it characterised by short attention spans, sensationalism, inability to empathise and a shaky sense of identity". "It might be helpful to investigate whether the near total submersion of our culture in screen technologies over the last decade might in some way be linked to the threefold increase over this period in prescriptions for methylphenidate, the drug prescribed for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder." She stated also "a much more marked preference for the here-and-now, where the imm...