
A new book is now available-Buyology in Brief, by Martin Lindstrom.

A quick summary extracted from

Does sex sell? What do religion and ritual have in common with successful brands? How successful is product placement? Does subliminal advertising really influence our behavior? Based on the largest neuromarketing study ever conducted, Buyology separates the truths from the lies about why we buy, revealing how marketers and advertisers truly capture our attention, our loyalty, and our dollars.
Buyology unveils the results of marketing guru Martin Lindstrom's pioneering three-year, $7 million dollar study that used the latest in brain scan technology to peer into the minds of over 2,000 people from around the world. The shocking results will reveal why so much of what we thought we knew about why we buy is wrong. Buyology rewrites the rules of marketing and advertising.
In 1957, when a market researcher named James Vicary claimed that a lightning-quick image of a Coca-Cola bottle-flashed for less than 1/3000th of a second on a movie screen-was enough to make the audience rush to the concession stand for a Coke, America was shocked and alarmed. If marketers could use hidden messages to get us to buy, couldn't other nefarious forces use similar tactics to psychologically manipulate our behavior? The term ‘subliminal advertising' was coined, and its practice was quickly banned in 1957. Since then, no-one has explored the potential influence of subliminal advertising-until Project Buyology. Lindstrom and some of the world's most respected neuroscientists embarked on a mission to discover whether or not subliminal messages still surround us, and the extent to which they really influence our behavior. But be warned, what you're about to see-or rather not see-may alarm you.
Do You Believe in Magic? Do you have a lucky pen you always take to important meetings? Do you have a fear of the number 13? Do you always drink your Corona with a wedge of lime, or eat the filling of your Oreo cookie first? If so, you're not alone. Turns out, the relationship between such everyday rituals and why we buy is a close and inescapable one. And as you'll read in Buyology, many of the rituals we habitually perform in our daily lives were actually manufactured by companies and marketers to draw us to their brands and products.
Does your heart rate increase when you see one of those signature robin-egg blue Tiffany boxes? Or maybe you feel your pulse race when you inhale the scent of your new car. In a revolutionary experiment, Lindstrom and his team of neuroscientists used fMRI technology to examine the influence our senses have on what we buy.
Everything we thought about branding is about to change. In 2005, when Martin Lindstrom launched Project Buyology-the largest, most comprehensive NeuroMarketing study ever conducted-he shattered the face of marketing as we know it. NeuroMarketing has emerged as a powerful new tool in understanding consumers' decision-making processes. This groundbreaking new science will revolutionize our understanding of our own buying behavior and send shock waves throughout the marketing and advertising industries and the business world as a whole. A subject they never taught you in school, you're about to discover your own ‘buyology'.

Neuromarketing developments will influence the future of paper and printing? Probably the paper industry will try to develop other substracts that can influence more our senses and printing industries will try to develop inks that can smell differently according to the marketing strategy for a particular campaign. Do you feel any difference when you touch a paper with heavy weight? If the paper is silk coated does it influence your spirit? Do you feel that a glossy paper is more sexy?


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